ADAM is unique as a school management system, as its primary focus is academic data management. This provides unique advantages to teachers and the management of your school. ADAM puts academics (and the critical handling of academic data) first and not as an after thought.
Class lists and enrolments
Any type of group can be created on ADAM. These range from academic classes to sports teams, society memberships, touring groups and more. These group lists integrate tightly into ADAM and scratch lists for any group of pupils can be generated and exported, with highly customisable content included. ADAM is able to offer complete and detailed reports on subject changes and perform class enrolments from a perspective which is intuitive – enrol a new pupil into multiple classes, or multiple pupils into a new class.
Integrated results analysis
ADAM will never be a replacement for teachers to help struggling learners. ADAM can however, quickly identify a pupils relative performance in a grade and highlight any concerning trends. Reports on distinctions and failures, as well as on pupils who have improved or dropped significantly can be generated. These can be shown as relative to the rest of their Grade. Symbol distribution graphs for each class in each grade, as well as promotion schedules for each grade (by subject) may also be generated. Grade rankings on overall aggregate or on individual subjects are easily accessible and results can be exported to Excel for further analysist in a pivot table.
ADAM offers complete integration of Learning Outcomes (LOs) and Assessment Standards (ASs) as prescribed by the National Curriculum Statements. It is able to create custom subjects (such as those for enrichment) for internal purposes with fully integrated LOs and ASs for these.
Marks can be recorded against Learning Outcomes for better analysis. This keeps track of Learning Outcome results with minimal effort from teachers, all able to access the same mark book. Marks are recorded into customisable categories, which may included ‘standardised assessment’, ‘continuous assessment’ or ‘examinations’. At Junior levels, these may include ‘tests’ or ‘project work’ as examples.
Reporting System
ADAM allows reporting based on LOs and ASs which is incredibly useful, particularly within the Foundation Phase. Levels for ASs and/or comments for LOs may be indicated, as well as marks and/or comments for a subject or learning area as a whole. An ability to generate generic comments using pupil name personalisation is possible and an AJAX-enabled reporting system means that comments and marks are saved as they are entered, with prominent and visual cues to the user.
Reports are PDF generated to ensure a consistent appearance and can be emailed automatically to parents and guardians, or made available via the parent portal. Reports are also customised for schools to match their current or desired reporting requirements. This may include a unique corporate design, customisation for printing on a letterhead or special cover.